Linda F. Stewart

Acts 1:8 (NIV): “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

We need power to navigate this life so we can be like the first Christians who were immediately emboldened to face all opposition so they could tell the world about Jesus Christ! In addition to their personal struggles, first century Christians had serious problems contending with the Romans and the religious people.

Jesus’ followers went through a harrowing time. Jesus had been crucified. They feared for their own lives and scattered, hiding from the authorities. They didn’t know what to do. But, three days later, Jesus was resurrected and appeared to them reminding them of his teaching and the urgency that he return to God, the Father. Before Jesus left the earth, he made a promise: “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (John 14:26 NIV).

About 120 people waited in the upper room, praying and exalting God until the Holy Spirit, as Jesus had promised, came on them. They and the entire neighborhood knew the Holy Spirit had come because they all began speaking in other tongues (languages).

Today, we worry about keeping jobs, protecting our children and securing marriages and other relationships.

That same Holy Spirit power is available to you. In fact, he is ready right now to begin working in your life just as he did the early Christians. But you have to give yourself a chance to get to know Him and know what it is like to trust in the power of God. Just as you learn to trust people, you must learn to trust the Holy Spirit. This is a personal relationship. You get to know Him as you study the bible, mediate on the promises of God and pray (talk to God) because the Holy Spirit works from the inside to the outside.

The time you spend alone with God will cause you to become “God aware.” You’ll develop a greater perspective about life, make better decisions, and know it is not your intellect! Eventually, you’ll learn to trust God based on your experience, not your emotions. Along the way, other people will see God in you whether you tell them about your beliefs or not.

Recently a friend asked which I’d rather be: a firecracker or dynamite. Without hesitation, I answered dynamite. Firecrackers make noise but dynamite can blow things apart! That is exactly the kind of power the Holy Spirit gives, even today. The Greek word for power is dunamis, meaning special miraculous power, ability, abundance, meaningful might, strength, violence, mighty wonderful work.

It’s the same kind of power Jesus told his disciples about and now that extends to us as well!

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