
Am I God's Servant or His Advisor?

Charles Spurgeon expressed it well for anyone who is waiting upon God to do something. "My situation is urgent," writes Spurgeon, "and I cannot see how I will ever be delivered. Yet this is not my concern, for He who made the promise will find a way to keep it. My part is simply to obey His commands, not to direct His ways. I am His servant, not His advisor. I call upon Him and He will deliver me."

What about you? Are you God's servant, or His advisor?

If I am God's advisor, I just need to get Him to see things my way. After all, it all revolves around me. My agenda. My goals. My schedule. My plan.

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If God would only get with the program, this thing could really get resolved. As it is, I must not be making myself clear to Him. Here's the plan God. I even prayed about it. I remember because I wrote it down when I did it.

Anytime you are ready God. I don't want to say that I've given the "command," but I have given the advice. Yea, that's it. So could you just go ahead and do that lightning bolt thing where the solution comes immediately now that we both know what needs to happen.

....I am still waiting God. I still think my advice to you was solid. But I am beginning to wonder about something. Is there a reason you are going so slowly here? I mean seriously. You and I could have had this thing wrapped up last week.

I'm putting in the work. I'm holding up my end of the deal. Huh? What's that Lord? Am I what? Am I through? Well....I guess.

Yes, of course I'll listen Lord. Fire away., I don't think of myself as your advisor Lord.....Yes Lord....I see Lord....I know.....I just thought that.....Oh, that's right. You can read my thoughts. Duh.

....So let's see....where does that leave us Lord on that other thing? What do you mean I haven't been listening? Yes I have....OK....I'll be quiet.

The what? Oh, the wheel....Well yea....sure Lord. Here you go. I guess you've driven this before.....let me just slide back over into that seat....hmm.....I remember being over here.

Now what? Say Lord....can you at least tell me when we are going to get there?

I know that look. Sorry. I'll be quiet. final comment please....Is it OK Lord if I turn on the radio to the Gospel station? That seems to help me go with the flow a little better.....great....Thanks Lord.

How do you put up with me Lord? Sure I have an hour to listen. I'm not going anywhere.....except where you lead Lord.....I know, I know. Except for all those detours when I was driving, right. I'm done. You drive.

....oh no.....Lord....I think I have to go to the bathroom. Could we stop somewhere? What do you mean I'm worse than a 4-year-old?

Dan Delzell is the pastor of Wellspring Lutheran Church in Papillion, Neb. He is a regular contributor to The Christian Post.

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