Madeline Crabb
Restoring one nation under God -- Christians' role, Part Two
By Madeline Crabb
September 9, 2012

God is not welcome in the Democratic Party. Well, that isn't exactly breaking news, and we didn't have to watch the Democratic National Convention last week to learn this. Informed, educated Christians have known this for decades.

Unfortunately, many in the Christian community are either clueless about, or refuse to participate in the political arena. They may or may not vote, and then sit in their pews, polish their halos, and give lip service to God about blessing and protecting our country. I'm sorry if that sounds mean, but sometimes the truth hurts. Folks, it is way past time to worry about hurting people's feelings. Our nation is in the throes of death, so all of us had better get over ourselves, stop the pettiness and nit-picking, and pray with fervor that God doesn't turn us over to our own devices.

The buzz this past week was from the Democratic National Convention when the official platform was announced. The main points of interest for Christians are the inclusion of abortion — even late-stage abortion, which should more accurately be called infanticide; support of same-sex marriage; refusal to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel; and the exclusion of any reference to God. However, after conservative media sources reported these points, democratic leadership decided they should do an about face at least on God and Jerusalem, adding them to the platform. But since it was a political convention, the delegates had to vote for said inclusion.

So on day three of the convention, the vote was called — three times. Even though it was clear the noes were greater than the yeses, all three times, the items were indeed put into the official Democrat Platform. Hey, they floated the "trial balloon" of their true beliefs, and a majority at the convention agreed. But Mr. Obama knew the attacks on the platform didn't bode well for him at the polls. Marching orders were obeyed, and the dems continued to do what they do best. They lied. Noooo, the President had NO idea what was in the official platform. Yeah, right...and I still believe in the tooth fairy.

Including abortion in the official platform isn't surprising. Women's reproductive rights are more important to the dems than our country going to hell in a hand basket. Or how about the national debt that reached $16 trillion during the convention? ($6 trillion from Obama)

Like abortion on demand, the idea of the radical left supporting homosexual marriage is not surprising, but including it as a plank of the official platform is a surprise. Once upon a time in America, homosexual behavior was only talked about in hushed tones during private conversations. Today all the power behind the Democratic Party and its mouthpieces in the media proclaim the beauty of same sex unions, and the need for "marrying whoever you love." It's plain and simple, dear Christian. If you are a democrat and support abortion and homosexuality, you are NOT on God's side of those issues. Being at odds with God is one very good reason to abandon our blind loyalty to a political party, particularly this party.

Then we have the issue of the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, which also comes as no surprise. The Obama administration has all but ignored Israel for the past four years. But Mr. Obama bows to Muslim leaders, and celebrates Islamic holidays at the White House. Our president honors Ramadan, and claims "Islam is a part of the fabric of our nation." Let's see...Wasn't our first war fought against Muslim terrorists? (As in, to the shores of Tripoli) And how is it that the Islamic faith and its holidays can be spoken of in such glowing terms when we are barely able to mention the name of Christ in public?

Why doesn't Obama praise Christians in equally glorious terms? After all, Christians constitute the overwhelming majority of citizens he was elected to serve. No, we can't have that nonsense because the ACLU would have to sue the President for discrimination or something else they can make up. Consequently, Christians are second-class citizens in this country. The Christian holiday of Christmas is dubbed a "happy holiday." And Easter, perhaps the highest holy day in Christianity is just for hunting "Easter eggs." Why is this? Well, of course, because Obama says that America is no longer a Christian nation. Makes us wonder if he prefers Islam...just sayin'.

Newsflash: It is because we are a Christian nation that people of other faiths are able to live here and practice their religions. It is the ability of Christians to accept the idea that people have freedom to choose how and whom they worship. Not all religions believe this.

God loves Israel, and considers Jerusalem the "apple of his eye." (Zech. 2:10 NIV) Of Israel, God says, "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." (Gen. 12:3 NLT) It would seem the Democratic Party is at odds with God. So are you, dear Christian, if you agree with the dems. It appears the Obama administration has turned its back on Israel, but supports all the other countries in the Middle East. And those of us who have been educating ourselves know that these countries want to destroy Israel. At least one of them, Iran, has a favorite rant: Death to America. If this administration is good buds with Iran, perhaps it, too, wants America's death. Hmmmm. We will have to discuss that later.

But the real clincher is removing God from the platform. It's not that America can't discern God is not welcome in the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, God is not welcome by a lot of Americans, including an increasing number of those claiming to be Christians. Scripture says that in the end times, people won't be able to stand sound doctrine, but will seek teachers to tickle their ears. (2 Tim. 4:3) The results: No power to overcome sin and evil, and no power to discern between the two. So is it any surprise so many people think Obama is a Christian, even though he and his whole party just "dissed" God last week. Quite honestly, it is surprising God didn't rain down lightning bolts on the DNC.

Let's get real here and call a spade a spade. The original omission of God is actually a rejection of God. When the vote was "decided" to include God in their platform, thousands of dems booed the decision. As Mr. T might say, "I pity the Christian fool that boos God." For all those who were there, it might be time to start shaking in your shoes. Or perhaps you proudly display a bumper sticker on your car that says I'm a Democrat and a Christian and I vote. I submit that you, too, have rejected God. And quite frankly, many of us hope you don't vote.

So, why does any of this matter? For Christians, God has allowed us another chance to understand what we have done in selecting leadership for our nation. He wants us to open our eyes and see truth. Scripture says, "For the time is coming when everything will be revealed; all that is secret will be made public." (Matt. 10:26 NLT) God just shed light on the true motives of the dems last week. Today's Democratic Party is basically an arm of the Socialist Party. The "movers and shakers" of this party have moved not just to the left of mainstream America, but to the radical, far left. How else could a card-carrying socialist be elected to the highest political office in the land? A better question is: How could Christians be so blind to allow this to happen?

The Bible says that we should not be deceived, that God cannot be mocked. (Gal. 6:7) One of these days, if our nation doesn't repent of our personal and corporate sins against God, He will remove His hand of protection. We must begin to restore one nation under God. It starts in our own homes and churches when we personally get right with the Lord. We will discuss this some more next time. To anyone willing to hear....

© Madeline Crabb


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Madeline Crabb

Madeline Crabb is a Christian, a Constitutional Conservative, and a patriot. Holding a degree in journalism and public relations, and training from the Leadership Institute, she has been a columnist since 2000, and has written for various Christian newspapers around the country. As a “watchwoman” on the wall (Is.62:67), Madeline calls all citizens to awaken, arise, and act in restoring one nation under God.


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